Get in touch with us.
Refresh Property Maintenance is established on the principle of ‘good old fashioned customer service’ and we constantly strive to exceed this. So whether you’re looking to obtain a quote or looking to enquire about our services please feel free to get in touch.
Give us a call
From Monday to Friday 9am to 5pm.
Send us an email
We’ll respond within 24 hours.
Obtain a Quote
Obtain a quote specific for your building, business or home. We’ll be in touch within 24 hours to arrange a quote.
Obtain a strata quote
We’d love to discuss how our services can revitalise your business and add to your businesses perceived value. Get in touch with us using the form below.
Obtain a commercial quote
To experience the refresh difference for your managed property or strata building please get in touch via the form below. We look forward to showing what we can do for you.
Obtain a residential quote
Get in touch with us to discover what we can do for your property and home. Fill out the form below and attach any relevant photos. We look forward to getting in touch.
Our service area
Servicing the Sydney Metropolitan region
Obtain a non-obligation quote today!
No job is too big or small for our team. For quick quote, please use the form above and if possible attach some photos of the area to be serviced. Our friendly team will be in touch shortly.
In the meantime check out what we’re up to on our socials.